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Yellow Homes

Here, I present to you some photos i found over the internet. Again, i do not own any rights of these photos, they're just available to download. Today, i would like to show you some yellow inspired homes all over the world.

A beautiful fish-eye photography of a yellow house.

A cute yellow bungalow house

A beautiful yellow house with flowers and landscape. A very fresh home to stay with. Photo: Courtesy of superstock.com

A homey yellow house

Look at how bright the yellow this house is, very nice

An urban yellow house built on the road

That's what they call yellow!

Would you like a yellow home like this?

I'd like to see this house, would you?

This is my favorite, a very beautiful yellow house with a garden. 

If you live in a city, you might to live in a yellow apartment.

You've just seen some of yellow houses that's good to the eye, that's if you love yellow. On the next post, i would like to show you some yellow. Yellow buildings!

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